White Caps, NV


  • Located 15 km’s from Kinross’ Round Mountain (3 M oz reserve) having produced 15 M oz gold to date

  • 28 Patented claims and 74 unpatented claims

  • Mineralisation at White Caps Mine concentrated along structural intersections within the Cambrian White Caps Limestone unit which averages 20 m thickness. Numerous cross-cutting north-south faults localise mineralisation within the host carbonates 

  • Only ASX listed gold explorer with genuine CTGD project potential 

  • 2km x 500m zone of highly anomalous key pathfinder elements 

  • Results extend well outside the White Caps Limestone, confirming district scale potential 

Looking over White Caps Project Area 

Proposed drilling at White Caps Project 

Exploration Overview

A first principles approach to initial tenement-wide exploration completed November 2023, including:

  • Geological mapping, rock chip / soil sampling
  • Geophysics – drone supported
  • Follow up soil sampling