Nevada Projects

White Caps
- Located 15 km’s from Kinross’ Round Mountain (3 M oz reserve) having produced 15 M oz gold to date
- 28 Patented claims and 74 unpatented claims
- The McCoy deposit is proximal to the intrusion (skarn-style) while Cove is distal (Carlin-style) – White Caps has similar potential to host both styles
- High-grade White Caps Mine produced more than 125,000 oz’s at circa 30 g/t gold
- Grades were noted to be increasing with depth – x-cut on the lowest level assayed 10m at 94 g/t (this would be close to true thickness)
- Regional exploration potential
- Targeting orogenic Au-Ag mineralisation in laterally extensive flat-lying quartz veins adjacent to a diorite intrusion
- A number of flat-lying high-grade veins are stacked within ~25m horizon
- Limited previous exploration, no drilling of high-grade veins
- Previous explorers targeted low-grade Cu-Au mineralisation (IOCG style)
- G50 has extensive data from previous explorers (Kinross Gold USA)
- High-sulfidation, epithermal gold targeted,
- Located 169 km southeast of Reno, Nevada
- Early stage high-grade project with limited prior drilling
- Reconnaissance and verification sampling produced excellent results with high-grade gold occurring in quartz and quartz-sulphide veins within a granitic intrusion
Top Gun
- Analogous to nearby Paradise Peak Mine – gold mineralization is high-sulfidation epithermal in character
- Minor historic mining at Top Gun is evidenced by numerous prospecting pits and two shafts
- No evidence of modern exploration or drilling
- Gold mineralisation in rhyolitic tuff unit largely overlain by a concealing caprock
- Initial targets are two silicified structures with broad zones of vuggy silica and clay alteration
Broken Hills
- Targeting epithermal Au-Ag similar to nearby Rawhide (1.7Moz) Paradise Peak (1.6Moz) mines
- Significant Au-Ag mineralisation at surface and associated with broad zones of argillic alteration
- Extensive zones of alteration, veining and silicification
- Previous explorers include Kinross and Placer Dome
- Main targets have never been drill tested